Monday, March 21, 2016

Who is Watching You ?

Who Is Watching You?

                Don't you ever wonder who is watching you? Or if anyone is watching what you're doing on YOUR computer or your phone? Well if you didn't already know yes you are being watched. The government is watching all the searches you make and what you watch also along with the texts messages you send , phone calls. 

spying              Google chrome has the access of that, where they listen to our conversations and seeing what we are doing on the computer without our consent. This website tells us "It seems as google's software, with the ability to everything being said in a room was being installed on computers without the owners' consent , and everyone's freaking out about it." 

              My opinion about all this government spying on us I think is bad. Its invading our personal space and personal time. This should be stopped immediately because without the person knowing we are watched they should notify if they need something from us and with the warrant. 

       This connects to the crucible because the witches spied on each other and if one missed church you would automatically be a witch. So they will always be watched and followed. The witches would always know what someone was doing just like google chrome they would always know and keep what you searched up or looked at. Even if you think you deleted it the government would always have it in stock. 



  1. Good job! well written and good punctuation!keep up the good work

  2. well i think this is pretty darn scary! i never knew the government was watching our online searches, i knew they watched our phone calls but damn watching our searches?? thats way out of hand. shaking my head.

    1. Comments that aren't properly capitalized will lose points.

  3. this is well written and i do agree that the government does watch us and spy on us with out our consent.

  4. Good job!! but i think you should add more facts about spying

  5. Please fix capitalization. Let me know when you've fixed your errors.

    1. Also, reduce the size of your font, make your picture bigger, and put a citation under your image.
