Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Is Your Car Spying On YOU??????

The ¨black box¨ in your car could be spying on you. You´re probably asking yourself what is a black box? It is a hidden device inside a vehicle that records audio info and info from the vehicle in case of a crash or something of that nature, but it could be used to spy on you...Most of all planes have one and since 2014 it was required that all cars sold by a dealership to have one installed. This is a very easy way for the government to spy on our everyday life while we´re on our way to work or to our friends house..in a article I read online it states that right now only 20 seconds of info could be recorded during the event of a crash but is this really true? Could the government secretly be recording our everyday lives?? To me this is very possible. If black boxes can record info and statistics how much longer till they start gaining info on our lives OUTSIDE of our vehicle? What if they´re already recording us? We would n´t know until someone exposes the truth. 

A while back Microsoft surprised the world with their new kinect system that had a ¨always on¨ feature. This was scary for a lot of people, including me because i myself have a xbox with a kinect system. The government could be watching my living room as i speak right now and i would never know and that is what is scary about it. How much longer till the government starts watching our every move? How much longer till the government tries to control our religions and beliefs just like ¨The Crucible¨? I don´t know how much longer till any of this happens but it damn well is scary to think about, especially for our kids that will have to grow up in this messed up generation. 


  1. ay! great blog! I agree! the companies shouldn't be making products that pry into our private lives

    1. Why? What is the harm to us or who is harmed? You need to speak more to the content of the blog.

  2. This is a real good blog it has changed my way of thinking and buying types of products.

    1. How and why?And what in particular changed your mind? You need to speak to the content of the blog.

  3. this reminds me of my article because technology can be very powerful if used in the wrong way

    1. What exactly reminds you of your blog? Be more specific.

    2. What exactly reminds you of your blog? Be more specific.
